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Body Dumping - An Interdependency Experiment I 

street performance  

The Nordic paradox* is a term used to describe a peculiar phenomenon in Nordic countries. Where there are the highest rates of gender equality and some of the highest rates of domestic violence, especially, against women. Nobody seems to know where the roots of this contradictory situation lie, but what is clear is that violence in Finland happens behind closed doors.

White societies believe to be safe and isolated from aggression and insecurity. Their inhabitants believe this phenomenon to be specific to developing countries undergoing unstable political/social/economic situations. In Finland, it is rude to meddle in other people’s problems, even you see someone being abused, you must keep your distance. 

Body Dumping is bringing violence into visibility (and the true reactions it causes) on the streets of your nearest Nordic country. 

Will you stop to help? 


Multiple urban locations -  2019 / Helsinki, Finland

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