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Matkahaveeni tulee (My travel dreams come true)

2020 - ongoing
participative performance, photography

Humans in the anthropocene transform and construct space in order to satisfy their individual desires and necessities, specifically by exchanging goods in a capitalist society. The personalisation of those goods has become of increasing importance. Thus, experiences have become the ultimate commodity. We have all come across an article’s headline that reads something like: “Younger Generations Are Desperate To Travel”. Pressured by privilege and the media, we feel condemned to transform thoughts into things and may encounter a sense of frustration when scarce economic resources prove insufficient. 

“Matkahaaveeni tulee”  ("My travel dream will come true") is an ongoing participative artwork that intends to unmask the indivisible bond between our desires, objects, and the actions that give them existence, presence, and significance. It invites participants to open up about their travel dreams and the real reasons lying behind those desires. As a reward for opening up, they are gifted 20 abstract images from their dream destinations to show others on their social media. It is a critique of the production of social ideals that reproduce abstract social formats and relations of dominance. 

No exhibitions yet. I am in the process of gathering travellers

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